This film was originally intended to be used in making duplicates of black and white negatives and has a spectral sensitivity to light under 550nm, meaning it is not responsive to red light. It's a high contrast film stock and Very fine grain. I wouldn't go beyond ISO 50 in camera. I typically shoot this between 6 and 20 ISO. It has a yellow base that contributes to its high acutance and is subject to light piping. Anytime a film leader is left outside the film cassette there is a chance of light piping whuch happens with different films that are thin or do not have a dark coating such as remjet, and piping appears as though light is spreading through a section of the film base. To prevent this, keep in the box until use. Load in subdued lighting and store in darkness. There is a chance that there may be some small scratches from the rolling process into film cannisters. While not consistent, it is a possibility. Try this for developing: HC110 Dilution A ISO 16 - 10.5 minutes at 68F. ISO 50 - 30 minutes at 68F. HC110 Dilution B ISO 20 - 25 minutes at 68F. ISO 16 - 20 minutes at 68F. ISO 12 - 15-20 minutes at 68F ISO 6 - 11 minutes at 68F.